Hello, I'm Eng. Mohammad
Computer Engineer

Data Analyst Developer

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Bachelor's in Computer Engineering from Taibah University
Sep 2016 - Apr 2021
I am graduated 2nd in the class with a GPA of 4/5


Data Analyst Developer at ACES from May/2022

5 months internship as Full Stack Engineer Intern in Smart methods

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Volunteering Experience

Vice lead of Google DSC club
Information Committee of IT club
2 courses programming to children

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Develop desktop applications | Graduation project

Tool for Taibah University Network Application Faults More details

Develop on AI | NEOM AI Challenge

Automating Road Speed Limit Using Artificial Intelligence More details

Develop & Network & Linux

Arduino Uno to IoT More details

Developing an application | Smart methods training

Social Spacing | MIT App Inventor More details

Develop desktop applications

Control panel for robot arm with databases More details

Develop & Linux

Shell script Tool (Video to GIF) by Windows Subsystem Linux More details


The best certificates during my self-learning journey from 2017 until now. And more of them is published in a continuation on my LinkedIn.

CS50's Intro to Artificial Intelligence with Python

CS50's Intro to AI with Python

By Harvard University from edX in 2021
1 Million Jordanian Coders Initiative By Udacity in 2022

Full Stack Development Track

1 Million Jordanian Coders Initiative By Udacity in 2022
CCNA course: Intro to Networks

CCNAv7 course: Intro to Networks

With a letter from CEO Cisco Networking Academy in 2021
Intro to Data & AI services, Services, and Cognitive services

Intro to Data & AI and Cognitive services

With Microsoft Teams by Microsoft Arabia in 2021
